
PRESS RELEASE – Dog Fouling in Albrighton

PRESS RELEASE: Dog Fouling in Albrighton and the Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO) 2024

Albrighton Parish Council have been in communication with the Dog Warden of Shropshire Council, Jane Salisbury, regarding Dog Fouling within our community of Albrighton.

Shropshire Council have seen an influx of Dog Fouling County wide, with reports of 150 cases reported over the space of a weekend alone. Whilst these figures were not solely based on Albrighton, the Parish Council and residents have seen an increase of Dog Fouling on pavements within the past few months.

Last year Albrighton Parish Council launched two Clean my Street initiatives for local residents and Councillors to report any issues of Dog Fouling they saw on their daily commute within the community. Unfortunately, we are aware of only one incident, which was reported on FixMyStreet in May 2023. The second Clean my Street initiative was carried out in October 2023, with no known reports of dog fouling.

The Dog Warden has informed us that reports of Dog Fouling on FixMyStreet require a photo on the report for this to be actioned. There is one Dog Warden for the whole of Shropshire, so unfortunately she has to travel around to different reports throughout the County in order for the job to be actioned. Albrighton Parish Council would like to stress the importance of taking a photo of the dog fouling to locate the area, and to help this be actioned fast enough to be cleaned up before any issues arise.

The Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO) comes into fruition in March/April 2024. Albrighton will be one of the places in Shropshire highly focussed on for enforcing the PSPO.

The PSPO will enable the Dog Warden to issue fines to those failing to clean up Dog Fouling. Offenders of this could face fines anywhere from £100 to £1,000.00 and prosecution. Albrighton Parish Council would like to stress the importance of dog owners getting into the habit of clearing up after their dog before this order comes into place.

For more information on the PSPO, please visit:

Keep our Streets Clean Initiative

Albrighton Parish Council in partnership with Shropshire Council will be hosting a Keep our Streets Clean Initiative week beginning 23rd October 2023!
During this week we will be promoting responsible dog owners by offering a limited amount of free dog waste bags and are encouraging local residents to report dog fouling in the village by using fix my street
Please see the poster for more info ⬇