Coffee Morning Fundraiser for Albrighton War Memorial Restoration Project

Coffee Morning Fundraiser for Albrighton War Memorial Restoration Project – hosted by Albrighton Craft Group


Albrighton Craft Group held a Coffee Morning and Craft Sale at Albrighton Parish Council Office and Library on Thursday 27th June 2024 to raise funds for the Albrighton War Memorial Restoration Project.

We are immensely grateful that the Albrighton Craft Group ladies were keen to help raise funds towards the Restoration Process by holding a Coffee Morning. The Craft Group work hard to raise funds for local groups, projects and organisations within the village. They selflessly commit their time and resources voluntarily to support their local community, and work together as a team to bring the community together. Albrighton is very lucky and proud to have such a fantastic group with community spirit amongst us. Lots of Coffee/Tea, Cake and Handcrafted items were available on the day, the sun was shining and lots of happy and friendly faces visited! We are pleased to announce that £337.87 was raised!

On behalf of Albrighton Parish Council, we would like to thank the ladies at the Albrighton Craft Group and thank all of our community who attended on Thursday to raise funds!